The Three Magi of the Major Arcana: Wisdom Keepers of the Tarot
In the world of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, the Major Arcana serves not just as a sequence of spiritual milestones but also as a pantheon of archetypal figures, each bearing profound lessons and universal truths.
Among them, three cards stand out for their embodiment of wisdom, guidance, and knowledge — The Magician, The Hierophant, and The Hermit. These figures, often seen as the three Magi of the Tarot, act as sacred custodians of the arcane and are seen as the bridge between the divine and the mortal.
The Magician: The Alchemist of Manifestation
Card Number: I
The Magician is the archetype of manifestation and resourcefulness. Robed in ceremonial garb, he stands before an altar on which the symbols of the Minor Arcana suits are displayed — a pentacle, a cup, a sword, and a wand. This symbolizes the elements of earth, water, air, and fire, over which he has mastery.
Astrological Correspondence: Mercury
Mercury, the messenger of the gods, symbolizes communication, intellect, and the bridge between the spiritual and the material. It reflects the Magician’s ability to transmit ideas into reality, a concept known as "as above, so below."
Sephirot: Kether
Kether stands at the top of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, symbolizing the purest form of consciousness and the source of all creation. The Magician channels this divine will, molding it with intention and skill.
Element: Air
Air symbolizes the mental realm — thought, intellect, and clarity. The Magician uses this clarity of thought to focus his will and manifest his desires.
Hebrew Letter: Bet
Bet, the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet, means "house" or "container," representing the Magician’s ability to contain and direct his power.
The Hierophant: The Guardian of Sacred Knowledge
Card Number: V
The Hierophant is a figure of tradition and conventional spiritual beliefs. He sits between two pillars of the temple, similar to the High Priestess, but unlike her, he is a conduit of the exoteric, the structured doctrines that shape societal norms and practices.
Astrological Correspondence: Taurus
Taurus is an earth sign known for its steadiness, tradition, and connection to the material world. This reflects the Hierophant’s role in establishing a solid, stable foundation of spiritual or religious practices.
Sephirot: Chokhmah
Chokhmah, representing wisdom on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, is the force that gives birth to form and structure. The Hierophant embodies this wisdom, teaching the importance of understanding and preserving spiritual traditions.
Element: Earth
Earth represents materiality, practicality, and the manifestation of concepts into physical form. The Hierophant teaches how to bring spiritual lessons into everyday life.
Hebrew Letter: Vav
Vav, the sixth letter, has a meaning connected to a "hook" or "connecting rod," highlighting the Hierophant’s role in connecting the divine to humanity through established institutions.
The Hermit: The Seeker of Inner Truth
Card Number: IX
The Hermit stands atop a mountain, lantern in hand, signifying the search for inner truth. His solitary journey represents introspection and the seeking of one’s own inner light rather than external guidance.
Astrological Correspondence: Virgo
Virgo is associated with analysis, attention to detail, and a methodical approach — qualities the Hermit utilizes in his quest for knowledge and understanding.
Sephirot: Binah
Binah is the sephira of understanding and contemplation. The Hermit reflects this through his introspective search, looking inward to comprehend the mysteries of the self and the universe.
Element: Earth
While earth typically symbolizes the external, material world, in the case of the Hermit, it represents the internal landscape, the foundation of the self upon which all personal growth is built.
Hebrew Letter: Yod
Yod, the smallest letter, represents a point of potential, the spark of divinity within, and the essence of all the letters. The Hermit seeks this point within himself, the pure essence of being.
As we journey through the Major Arcana, these three Magi serve as guideposts, each offering a unique form of wisdom. The Magician teaches us about the power of will and the manifestation of desires. The Hierophant shows the importance of tradition and shared beliefs. The Hermit invites us to look within and learn from our inner light.
Together, they form a triad of guidance for the spiritual traveler seeking an understanding of the microcosm and the macrocosm.